Collection: Aquarium Plants on Rocks / Wood

Building a beautiful aquascape in your aquarium is all about creating levels and depth. At Aquacadabra, our collection of live aquarium plants that grow on rock and wood make achieving this layered look easy. From climbing mosses which attach to background rocks to create a wall of green, to easy-care leafy plants that grow from driftwood for a stylish, natural look in the foreground, browse the complete collection below and get to planting your own lucious aquascape.

While aquarium plants that attach to wood and rocks make perfect climbing plants for the background, to create an aquascape that is properly well-framed, we also recommend filling out the front of your tank with foreground plants. Moss plants can also help to create a healthy, nature-filled aquarium, and you can find everything you need to plant and care for your new additions in our full aquarium planting supplies collection.

